Growth of organic food in supermarkets continues in January 2021

After growth rates in November (+7%) and December (+4.8%) 2020, the distribution of organic products (excluding perfumery, perfume and hygiene products) in hypermarkets, supermarkets, private label dominated stores, drives and convenience stores, according to IRI data, experienced a more sustained pace in January 2021 with growth of +12.9%. It is close to the level observed in January 2020 (+12.5%).
Some categories performed well in January 2021, such as the "sausages" family with +41.6%, the "seasonings and condiments" category with +31.8%, followed by the "sugar, groceries and pastries" family with +29.1%.
With a turnover of €146 million in 2020, baby food, after having been a driving force in organic FMCGs in recent months, continues to evolve slowly. Indeed, with a 15.8% increase in value in 2020 compared with 2019, its growth over the last three months has fluctuated between 1.2% and 2.5%.

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